17 January, 2020

Shared coordinates explained

Coordinates in Revit

Shared coordinates explained
Roberto Molinos


2. Share coordinates with a DWG

With this procedure we are going to establish in which location our model is actually placed with help of a linked DWG.
But remember that we still are not going to move the modelled elements.
We have started modelling close to the Internal Origin of the file. That is the only care that we had when deciding where to start.
Now we have already some elements, and we are informed that point A is the same point A that we can find in a DWG file, that we know that is in the correct location.
Now is when really we are going to share coordinates between the two files: DWG file and our RVT model. Share means that we are going to transfer the information in one file to the other. And this connection will remain.

Follow these steps:
1. Set the view properly
Go to a site view and ensure you are using “Project North”.
2. Insert the DWG.
Select the correct import units and CENTER to CENTER Positioning option.
3. Move and rotate the DWG Link
So that Points A overlap, and lines of the DWG are aligned with the walls.
Remember, we don´t move the Revit modelled elements. DWG Link and Revit file are still not sharing coordinates. They just overlap in the view.
4. Share the coordinates.
Select the DWG Link, and go the the Shared Site menu in the properties  palette. We will see two options.
  • Publish. To transfer the coordinates in the revit project to the DWG link. NEVER publish when we are using a DWG Link.
  • Acquire. To transfer the coordinates in the DWG link to the Revit project.
  • In this case we don´t want to change the DWG link, we want to modify the revit model, so we choose the Acquire option > Reconcile.
5. The Survey Point has moved.
Coordinates related  to SP in model are now coincident with those in the DWG link. We have not moved model elements.
6. Remove the link
In most cases after this sharing coordinates process we can remove the DWG link or unload it. This will prevent us from moving it unintentionally, what would result in us starting to experience issues with the coordinates.
7. Or stop sharing the site with the DWG
If we do not want to remove the link we could also stop sharing the site between DWG link and host project. This would prevent also some common issues:
If in the same project we have several models (which happens almost always) we can use the DWG link as the unique source of coordinates for all of them.
Once we have shared coordinates across all models, we will be able to work with them knowing that their global positioning is correct, that they shared the same system, and that if we link one into another their location will match perfectly.

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